Cast: Nitin, Mamta Mohandas, Shashank, Sindhu Tolani, AshutoshRana, Duvvasi Mohan, Brahmanandam, Ali, Tanikella Bharani, MS Narayana,Ajay, Jaya Prakash Reddy, Sudha and Others.
Action: Ram-Laxman.
Cinematography: Vijay C. Kumar.
Editing: KV Krishna Reddy.
Music: Chakri.
Story, Screenplay, Dialogues & Direction: Ravi C. Kumar.
Presenter: K. Atchi Reddy.
Producer: Venkat.
Banner: RR Movie Makers.
Release Date: 27th June, 2008.
After a decent movie like Samanyudu, this amateurish attempt at a movieabout land mafia comes as a real downer. Victory has perhaps two goodmoments, and the rest of the movie has to be tolerated than enjoyed orappreciated. Director Ravi C. Kumar's last attempt is so much morelow-key, but in terms of story, content, focus, screenplay andperformances it was a hundred fold better. Victory has Nitin showingoff his six pack abs. And little else.Plot:Viji is living his life when his family and a thousand other familiesare affected by a land grabbing that takes place. The culprit is MLADevaraj and it's a huge scam-but the problem is that he is getting awaywith it. Determined not to let that happen, Viji wants everyone tounite against this anti-social element. People are too scared, but Vijiand his gang are made to take action. The rest of the story is abouthow they bring the bad guy to justice.
Story, Screenplay and Direction :The story has nothing new tooffer. Land Mafia, MLAs, Ring Road, International Airports and a bunchof guys fighting out the system. Charmante. The performances are soamateurish that one wonders whether there was a prompter right there,giving cues to each character throughout the movie. The music is notgood either. The scene composition, screenplay and editing are all donehalf-heartedly.
Mamta'strack starts off like this: she places an ad in a matrimonial site andViji's parents place his. The girl and the guy's parents are incorrespondence. But Viji doesn't know of it, and this girl follows himaround and then tries to make him say that he loves her. Then for along time you don't see the girl, and suddenly she appears again.There's really no logical ending for the love track. One wonders whatthe point of the matrimonial site was-maybe a sponsor? There's a songfull of them, from Idea to RS Brothers, whether used for the effect oras sponsors, one cannot be too sure.
The first half has nothingmuch happening. Some land mafia fights, this half-baked love track,Sindhu Tolani's (who plays a news reporter) friendship with Nitin andgang and stray characters and tracks (MS Narayana and Brahmanandam) whohave little to do with the main plot. The second half you keep hopingwill pick up and not till the last 20 minutes does something reallyhappen. And nothing we haven't seen before sadly. At least if it wasdone well..but the taking is so amateurish that it's surprising (if youknow that the director has experience and his last flick was verywatchable).Performances: Nitin really needs to slow down on his dialogue delivery. His six packsare in place, and he has even worked on his dance. But he was muchbetter as an actor in his earlier movies, and somehow seems to beneglecting this main aspect with each successive movie. MamtaMohandas's role itself is badly written, in bits and pieces. She is anable singer, but as a female lead, she needs to hone those skills.Shashank as a shop owner and Duvvasi Mohan with his witty Telanganapunches are okay; suddenly their group of 4 becomes 5 post-break andthe new member is given no introduction whatsoever. Tanikella Bharaniand the rest of seasoned performers are not as effortless in theirperformance as usual-they seem artificial, and the direction departmenthas to take the discredit mainly.
Music and Dance: Copied mostly, including a part of the background score (Don). Lackluster in totality.
Last Word :A disappointment.
Rating: 4/10